The 'Book' 2022

Final Season Standings: 2022

Standings Determined By: Confidence Pts.
Primary Tiebreaker: Wins
Secondary Tiebreaker: Avg MN Diff.
Point Spreads: In Use

Pos PLayers                 TW   TL   TT   Pct.   CPts.    TB Avg  

  1 Dan Miller              143  121   8   54.0   1321.0     6.0
  2 Chuck Jordan (2)        143  121   8   54.0   1313.5     8.6
  3 Frank Heller (3)        139  125   8   52.6   1297.0    12.0
  4 Da Bunny *C             134  130   8   50.7   1269.5     8.5
  5 SJ                      141  123   8   53.3   1257.0     9.7
  6 Larry Jones *E          141  123   8   53.3   1246.0     7.4
  7 Les Lewis               136  128   8   51.5   1244.0     9.3
  8 MO (1)                  130  134   8   49.3   1239.0     8.0
  9 Drew Lawrence (1)       136  128   8   51.5   1232.0     7.6
 10 Suzette Brubeck (2)*A   140  124   8   52.9   1219.0     7.8
 11 Michelle Heller (3)     132  132   8   50.0   1211.5     7.9
 12 Curt Lawrence           133  131   8   50.4   1209.0     8.1
 13 Kevin Hodges            127  137   8   48.2   1207.5     8.5
 14 Baad Beat               138  126   8   52.2   1205.5     7.1
 15 Jason Perry             127  137   8   48.2   1198.5     8.3
 16 Roland Blackiston       126  138   8   47.8   1197.5     8.6
 17 Cippo (1)               127  137   8   48.2   1156.0     8.2
 18 Gary Hodges (1)         130  134   8   49.3   1155.5     6.9
 19 Richie Cimmento (1)     129  135   8   48.9   1145.0     9.2
 20 Pig                     122  142   8   46.3   1144.0     8.1
 21 Fred Wilburn            120  144   8   45.6   1138.5     8.4
 22 Dave Paplia             129  135   8   48.9   1127.0     9.2
 23 Kathy Munoz             126  138   8   47.8   1114.5     7.8
 24 Jamie Kolb              122  142   8   46.3   1108.5    13.6
 25 Jack Finley (1)*B       119  145   8   45.2   1106.5     6.8
 26 Jake                    119  145   8   45.2   1094.0     8.2
 27 Gil Orabuena            118  146   8   44.9   1071.0     7.2
 28 Kerri Holt (1)          118  146   8   44.9   1049.0     7.9
=========================== Missed Playoffs ======================
 29 Lynn Marino             117  147   8   44.5   1047.0     9.7
 30 Rambo                   113  151   8   43.0   1039.5     6.8
 31 Jimmy Rubalcava (1)     121  143   8   46.0   1035.5     8.1
 32 TooHep *C,*D            113  151   8   43.0   1016.5     7.6
( )= Number of Weeks Won in 2022
Red Type= Won Category  *A/B= Won SB LVII: KC Chiefs  
*C= Won Survivor Pool (Split)      *D= Won Margin Pool
*E= Won Monday Night Pool

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The 'Book' 2022